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AmpliTubeは、つねにサウンドのリアルさを追い求めてきました。そして、そのリアリズムは、新しいCab Room機能により、また新たな高みに達しました。この新機能は、カスタマイズという点においても、これまでにない自由度の高さを誇ります。. AmpliTube 4では、キャビネットに対して2本のマイクを3Dで自由に設置可能です。AmpliTube 4には、3機種のレコーディング・マイクのモデリング・ギアが用意されており、さらにCustom Shop機能で15機種のマイク・モデルも追加可能です。ルーム・マイクとしての設置も可能ですから、スピーカーからのサウンド、キャビネットとスピーカー・ユニットの相互作用、各ルームの残響の特性など、自由なミックスを実現しています。直観的に操作可能なパラメータ、ゴージャスなグラフィックスを備えたユーザー・インターフェイスにより、初心者でも容易に、オリジナルなサウンドの探求を行うことができるのです。.

AmpliTube 4では、キャビネットに組み込むスピーカー・ユニットも自由に選択できるようになりました。スピーカー・ユニットは、それぞれオリジナル実機のサウンドの特徴を忠実にモデリングしたものですが、それだけではありません。キャビネットとスピーカー、キャビネットの構成とルーム、それぞれの相互作用から生じる微妙なハーモニックスの違いまでもがモデリングされているのです。. AmpliTube 4は新しい5種類のアンプを搭載しています。年代から90年代にかけてのブリティッシュ・ロックのサウンドを彩った古典的なアンプをモデリングしましたものばかりです。 Brit 、Brit 、Red Pig、Brit Silver、そしてBrit Valve-Preに至るまで、どれもAmpliTubeのブランドを世界に知らしめたIKの特許技術を採用し、ブリティッシュ・アンプの古典的名機のオリジナル実機を、その細部に至るまでていねいに解析した上で、可能な限り忠実にモデリングしています。.

AmpliTubeは、つねに新しいサウンドの可能性を追求しています。新しいAcoustic Simペダルは、エレキトリック・ギターのサウンドをアコースティックなサウンドに変えてしまうエフェクトです。. AmpliTube 4で新しく加わった、シグナル・パスは、プリアンプとパワーアンプの間に、「エフェクト・ループ」をインサートできるようになった点です。このインサートには、最大4つまでのストンプ・エフェクトやラック・エフェクトをデイジー・チェーン(直列)でインサートすることが可能です。. マニュアルなどを読まなくても、あくまで直観的に使えるように、AmpliTube 4は設計されています。特別なコンピュータの知識は特に必要ありません。AmpliTubeをよくご存知でない方のために、AmpliTube 4の基本的なコンセプトを、簡単にご紹介しましょう。.

iRig BlueBoard (Mac版のみ対応)を使用すれば、ワイヤレスでプリセットやストンプをコントロールすることも可能です。. AmpliTubeはMIDIに対応していますので、 iRig MIDI 2 などのMIDIインターフェースを使用することで、外部コントローラーを接続してわずか数回の操作でパッチやパラメーターをアサインすることもできます。. AmpliTubeは、Mac OS XでもWindowsでも、Pro Tools、Logic、GarageBand、Cubase、Live、Studio Oneといった、主要なDAWソフトウェアとしてbitプラグインとして動作します。AmpliTube 4の標準インストールを行うと、スタンドアロン・アプリケーションとプラグインがインストールされます。スタンドアロン・アプリケーションとプラグインは、まったく同じアンプおよびエフェクト機能を備えています。スタンドアロン・アプリケーションには、さらに8トラックのDAWレコーダー機能と4トラックのルーパー機能が装備されています。DAW機能とルーパー機能をあわせると、AmpliTubeだけでも、スケッチから最終的なデモ・トラックまで作成することさえ可能なのです。アイディアが閃いた時が、ロックする時。それがAmpliTubeなのです。.

First and foremost, AmpliTube is all about the gear. In addition, AmpliTube 4 delivers the ability for you to swap out individual speakers in a speaker cabinet, a software first! Choose from 29 individual precisely modeled vintage and modern 12" guitar cabinet speakers. AmpliTube 4 welcomes 5 new classic amplifier models to the mix representing some of the best British tones from the 70s, 80s and 90s. Each amplifier has been modeled from scratch to embody a different aspect of powerfully classic Жмите сюда amplifier design.

The result? More preamp overdrive and crunch at controllable volumes. This dual channel, dual reverb head was designed for versatility with channel 1 voiced from clean to low level lead узнать больше when cranked, and channel 2 voiced with enough gain to provide fearsome lead tones at low gain to screaming free suite download coreldraw graphics requirements x6 tones at high gain.

It was originally produced for players who needed more stage volume and sported a full watts powered by KT88 power tubes. The Brit Silver faithfully recreates the original Silver Jubilee down to every minute detail for hyper-real authentic Marshall tone.

Rounding out the new Brit series of amps is a preamp model based on the Marshall JMP-1 valve preamp. It allows players to sculpt the tones they want, then save those tone presets for recall by MIDI control at any time. It's one как сообщается здесь the most simple preamps, very straight forward. It has the staple Marshall controls like Volume, Gain, Bass, Middle, Treble and Presence.

It features a bass shift, 2 overdrive channels, and 2 clean channels. All of these new amplifiers have been created utilizing the same methods and patented technologies that have made the AmpliTube brand по ссылке synonymous with world-class sound, hyper-realistic tone and extreme accuracy.

It delivers stunning realism and an amazing playing experience that can be tweaked with the onboard controls. Players can icon icontrols logic pro x free download from and blend 3 acoustic body styles and 3 types of top material to sound like a full range of popular acoustic guitars.

Now читать больше with AmpliTube 4 will always have at their disposal great acoustic sounds. AmpliTube 4 includes the Double Dynamic 57, a special mic setup based on a pair of Shure SM57 microphones.

It can even be found in icon icontrols logic pro x free download typical setup used in the most sought after recording studios. It is made up of not здесь but two dynamic mics, one icon icontrols logic pro x free download straight and the other angled at 45 degrees. The phasing phenomenon generated by this setup produces pleasing high-frequency cuts, enhancing the boldness of the sound.

New in AmpliTube 4 is an additional slot in the signal chain right after the amplifier pre-amp section but before the power stage. Most of you will recognize this slot as the effects loop or insert and it allows you to add in up to 4 daisy chained effects for signal processing before hitting the power section.

Узнать больше здесь to an innovative visualization feature and flexible routing options, you can now stick your favorite stompbox into the post-cabinet rack section or in the effects loop rack, or swap your favorite rack effects for a slot on the pedalboard. Also stock in AmpliTube 4 is an upgraded tuner section with our patented UltraTuner technology — the most precise digital tuner available.

AmpliTube 4 can also be expanded with more gear via the Custom Shop. As a standalone software and DAW plug-in, AmpliTube 4 comes with the gear listed. Продолжить you currently own a previous version of AmpliTube, you can use the Custom Shop feature to restore all of your gear from Custom Shop purchases and legacy gear.

AmpliTube has always been about realism, and now that extreme commitment to accuracy is a part of its completely redesigned cabinet section. The new Cab Room feature is the most advanced cabinet section ever made, giving you a new level of customization and flexibility never before seen in software or reality. Never before has such a level of control and customization been available icon icontrols logic pro x free download fine-tuning tones from icon icontrols logic pro x free download speaker section.

AmpliTube 4 ushers in some amazing control features when it comes to fine-tuning and tone sculpting one of the most important components in the signal chain: the speaker cabinet. Icon icontrols logic pro x free download you can use any available cabinet with any amplifier — impedance matching in AmpliTube 4 is automatic so you never have to worry about blowing up your power amp!

Pretty sweet. Want to hear what a Vintage 30 sounds like next to a Greenback? No need to get the drill and soldering iron out, AmpliTube 4 lets you swap out individual speakers with the click of a button! AmpliTube 4 comes with 29 precisely modeled speaker emulations of some of the most popular speakers in cabinets today, with more available in the AmpliTube Custom shop.

Icon icontrols logic pro x free download you can experiment with different speaker combinations to sculpt that perfect cabinet sound, all in the convenience of your personal recording space. But what makes the new cab room even more realistic is the fact that it not only picks up the tonal character of the individual speakers, but it replicates the harmonic and physical interaction that occurs naturally between the speakers giving you the most realistic sounding environment available.

Imagine having access to 18 of the most coveted recording microphones of all time. Now you can. AmpliTube 4 comes with 3 highly coveted recording microphones на этой странице there are an additional 15 mics available in the AmpliTube Custom Shop. AmpliTube 4 gives you the choices and ability to go hyper-real with your mic placement.

And AmpliTube 4 not only picks up on the tonal characteristics of the individual speakers, but it actually picks up the physical and harmonic interaction between the individual speakers, surrounding cabinet and space between the speakers and mics.

Want to record in the garage? How about in a hardwood studio room with a rug? A cabinet isolation room? With AmpliTube 4, now you can. The Recording Room selection tab lets you choose from 6 different ambient recording spaces. Choose from a big live room, venue stage, two studio rooms, an isolation booth or a garage.

You can also select which pair of room mics you want use and then dial in the amount of stereo room ambience to your liking. The Recording Room selection adds a completely new level of hyper-realism to your guitar tone. AmpliTube 4 now has a dedicated mixing environment for the speaker cab room. and control the entire volume level with a master fader.

Never before has it been so easy to get hyper-real! AmpliTube works seamlessly with your favorite DAW as a plug-in, comfortably playing well with other plugs in the mix. This means жмите сюда things… First, you can just icon icontrols logic pro x free download record and start wailing as the tone inspires you. Need to add a layer? Drone riff? And with the new DAW section, you can do some other pretty nifty tricks. Audio waveforms accurately represent your recordings for precise editing.

As a learning tool, you can import any audio tracks into the DAW section, define loop points and use the built-in Speed control to slow down difficult passages without affecting pitch, and use the Pitch control to change keys without affecting speed. This feature is perfect for working out difficult solos or practicing different leads or melodies over a series of chord changes in a backing track.

Want to hear a passage at a different tempo or pitch? AmpliTube 4 lets you export your masterpieces however you see fit… as individual tracks or as one master file for mastering — the choice is yours. And you can export in a variety of file formats to suit your needs. aif and more. dream come true. The 4-Track Super Looper may look simple, but in hyper-reality just like everything in AmpliTube 4 there is some pretty powerful stuff working under the hood.

Recording /29735.txt is limited only by the amount of disk space you have on your computer. Just makes sense. Here you can activate a click track for the looper and set your tempo. The 4-Track Looper also lets you export your loops, reopen into the built-in DAW, or import them into other sequencers. The Super Looper lets you do amazing, hyper-realistic things inside the world of AmpliTube 4. Today, IK Multimedia continues to lead icon icontrols logic pro x free download pack when it comes to model accuracy of all the elements in the complete signal chain with innovative solutions and ultra-accuracy that no other brand can match.

Who do the top manufacturers in the industry trust to make ultra-accurate models of their gear? Icon icontrols logic pro x free download nearly individual gear models available, AmpliTube offers more tonal variety than anything else on the market.

We have modeled almost every icon icontrols logic pro x free download and effect circuit ever produced since the birth of electric guitar icon icontrols logic pro x free download effects pedals. Icon icontrols logic pro x free download matter what type of tone you are aiming for, only AmpliTube has the right gear for it.

All other product names and images, trademarks and artists names are the property of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with IK Multimedia. Use of these names does not imply any cooperation or endorsement. All rights reserved. used under license. of Hamamatsu, Japan, used under license. Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.

and other countries. The Audio Units logo is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.



KQ Dixie – Kira Q Tech - You're welcome to embed this image in your website/blog!

    AmpliTube 4 is a guitar and bass tone studio for Mac/PC that works as a OS XでもWindowsでも、Pro Tools、Logic、GarageBand、Cubase、Live、Studio One Logic Pro X dmg for mac free download full version. Complete setup Logic Pro X offline installer for mac OS with direct link Logic Pro does not detect this device natively, so to add this control surface, you must overwrite your existing configuration file ()

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